Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Movie time!

Well, well, well. Finally I've found out why we haven't seen more Miyazaki movies in Swedish cinema. The company Triangel Film, who owns the rights for Sweden are planing on releasing one movie a year. So I suppose that's all right. Anyway the third movie for Sweden is coming up on the 30th March this year, and it Tonari no Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro/Min granne Totoro). I'm really looking forward to that. May be I'll use the ticket I've gotten from partaking in a memory test at the psych department in Lund?

Another Triangel Film release you must pick up is Pan's Labyrinth. Possibly one of the best ever "pagan themed" movies made. That said, most other religions feel that it's the best movie ever for their faith as well… It did, at any rate, deserve the three Academy Awards it won. Check out the trailers over at Apple. See it, dream it, live it…

I would also recommend you check out the latest Sandra Bullock movie, Premonition. It seems very interesting questioning time continuum, what reality is etc. In a kind of thriller way, but still… Seems all right too me.

To close this post I would also like to mention The Prestige. This is possibly the best movie I've seen in a very long while. And the cast list… Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Cane, David Bowie and the wonderful Scarlet Johansson… It received two Academy Award nominations and numerous others. Have a look at the trailers over at Apple, or check out the DVD release homepage. It's magic as it has never been seen before…

/|\ Taran MacDuir

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