Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy Spring Equinox!

Happy Spring Equinox everyone, and may the spring rush to our aide in these cold hours before the sun realy starts to shine. I and my wife are meeting up with some other pagans to have a small informal celebration. It will be wicked! (Pun intended…) Well, have a great Equinox!

May your spring be blessed,
/|\ Taran MacDuir

P.S. If you're having trouble keeping track of all the different dates, all the imortant moon and sun positions etc., go to this page, you can use it on-line or download the calendar for iCal (for English version, here) if you use Mac (for English, here) or at least it should work with SunBird for Windows/Linux/Mac. Does it work with anything else? Well, try it. I'm sorry I don't know enough about Amiga/Morph calendars. Feel free to inform me if you find what works.

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