"One theoretical basis of the thesis is that the imagery of southern Scandinavia from the migration period may be analysed against the background of Celtic iconography. One of the reasons why Celtic imagery may be used is that Celts and Germans probably had so much in common that it would have been difficult to tell them apart. Lately the divergence of Celts and Germans has been questioned. I share the opinion of those researchers who believe that the differences between these cultures have most likely been exaggerated."1Intressanta resultat, och något man får titta närmare på framöver?
BBC har utfört en ny utgrävning vid Stonehenge i Wiltshire, och man hoppas kunna lägga fram ny idéer om vad Stonehenge användes till.
"This historic excavation (now complete) aims to solve the greatest of archaeological mysteries - what was Stonehenge for? Timewatch returns in the autumn with the answers. Video (left): Darvill and Wainwright discuss this once-in-a-lifetime dig."2I höst hoppas man kunna presentera resultaten i ett tv-program, men en del kan skönjas redan på siten.
Sist, men inte minst, så rapporterar BBC News att:
"Secret files on UFO sightings have been made available for the first time by the Ministry of Defence."3Det rör sig om dokument från tiden mellan 1978 och 1987 som nu gjorts tillgängliga för allmänheten att ladda ner. Förvisso tenderar de till att kanske inte vara direkt övertygande, men vad skall man tro? Personligen hoppas jag att det finns ET's, annars, må man säga, ligger universum lite risigt till…
--- Blessed be your path ---
/ | \ Taran MacDuir